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Ph: 01664 786066
360 Commercial Projects Limited
Company Registration Number: 12970012
© 360 Commercial Projects Limited 2022. All right reserved.

Nottingham Trent University – Partitioning, Glazed Screens and Doors Sets.

We have reached completion on our project for Nottingham Trent University to refurbish a floor of the iconic Chaucer building in the heart of Nottingham.  We have refurbished the building fabric, as well as providing cellular office space for 40 staff using Komfort partitioning.  This has been a fast-track project completed over a 7 week duration over the summer break.

During a busy summer period for 360 Commercial Projects, it has been a pleasure to be working in one of our favourite cities, we love Nottingham. ?

We would also like to say a big thank you to Komfort Partitioning for their assistance on the project and their continued support, as well as our amazing fitting teams who deliver to the highest standards, time after time.

We hope to speak to you soon….


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